April 11, 2017, 3:30-5:30 pm - The Climate Emergency: The Case for Immediate Action by Craig Wolfe. KSU Leadership Studies Bldg, Town Hall. Flyer
April 27, 2017, 6:1507:45 pm - KSU Green Roof Event. Purple Masque Theatre, West Memorial Stadium. Flyer
Dec. 19-21, 2016, Clean Air Through Energy Efficiency (CATEE) Conference (link is external), San Antonio, TX
December 14, 9:40AM, NRES Capstone Final Exam Oral Presentations, Ackert 231:
1. Surface Water Quality in Manhattan, KS
2. Memorial Stadium Green Roof
NRES Seminars: http://www.k-state.edu/nres/seminars/
July 19-20: 2016 Solar Car Challenge, Blue Earth Plaza, 3rd & Colorado, Manhattan, KS. 23 high school solar car teams are competing in the run from Dallas to Minneapolis. Come see the cars at Manhattan's “Display Day”!
Feb.15, Samuel Brinton, 1109 Engineering: 4 PM, Amidst The Glow of Nuclear Waste Policy
February 12, 2016: 2015 Paris Climate Conference: K-State participant Bimal Paul to share, 10 AM KSSUnion Room 227. Bimal Paul, professor of geography, served as an official representative of Bangladesh at the recent 2015 Paris Climate Conference in Paris, UNFCCC COP21. The K-State Climate Change Interest Group invites anyone interested to join a discussion with Paul. The 2015 Paris Climate Conference, reached a landmark accord on an issue that has foiled decades of international efforts to address climate change. The 195 nations that participated in the COP21 agreed to keep global warming below 20 C or 3.60 F from pre-industrial time. This presentation will begin with providing background and organization of the Conferences of the Parties, COPs, followed by Paul's personal impressions of the processes behind the scenes. The presentation will conclude with a critical overview of the outcomes of Paris Climate Conference.June 22-25, 2016 Urban Food System Symposium, K-State Olathe campus, Kansas City. Our goal is to bring together a national and international audience of academic and research-oriented professionals to share and gain knowledge on urban food systems and the role they play in global food security. This symposium includes knowledge on: urban agricultural production, local food systems distribution, urban farmer education, urban ag policy, planning and development, food access and justice, and food sovereignty. The Symposium is a partnership between the Kansas State University Global Food Systems Initiative and Cultivate Kansas City, a non-for-profit dedicated organization that grows food, farms, and community in support of a sustainable, healthy, and local food system in greater Kansas City. www.urbanfoodsystemssymposium.org/
February 4, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.: Forward - A New Play on Climate Change. KSU Purple Masque Theatre, West Stadium. Set in Norway, this new play by playwright-in-residence, Chantal Bilodeau, presents a poetic history of climate change from the initial passion that drove Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen to the North Pole, to the consequences of over a century of fossil fuel addiction. The play progresses backwards from 2013 to 1895, and zeroes in on 40 characters whose day-to-day lives illustrate how the choices we make often have unintended consequences. A compassionate look at the legacies we leave behind, this premiere production asks what we are willing to do for love. Event website: http://ksu.edu/theatre
Contact: Ben Stark, benstark@ksu.edu, 319-321-7456
December 1-3, 2015, Clean Air Through Energy Efficiency (CATEE) Conference, Galveston, Texas.. CATEE is a premiere educational conference and business exhibition connecting public and private decision-makers and thought leaders to help communities improve decisions that determine the energy and water intensity of the built environment – and reduce related emissions. CATEE 2015
October 25-28, AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo: Transforming Sustainability Education, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota. AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo will convene a diverse group of campus representatives including faculty, students, sustainability officers, staff, administrators and presidents together with business, non-profit, government and community members for a sustainable celebration. In the “City by Nature,” a culturally and historically diverse place for thousands of years located on the Dakota homelands, with exquisite green spaces and a cosmopolitan urban culture, we will gather for a look back and into the future.
October 8, 2015, Sustainable Development in Ukraine and Slovakia, Dr. Valentina Pidlisnyuk. 1:30 p.m. in Fiedler Hall Auditorium. Sponsored by the Office of International Programs. All are welcome. More.
September 27-30, 2015, “Phytotechnologies for Sustainable Development Conference.” Kansas State University was chosen to host the 12th Annual International Phytotechnologies Conference at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manhattan, Kansas. This conference will provide scientists, engineers, consultants, policy regulators and other interested individuals to explore and discuss how recent developments in phytotechnologies address current and emerging environmental challenges. Phytotechnologies refer to plant-based technologies to clean water, soil, air and provide ecosystem services including energy from biomass. Webpage Link: http://conferences.k-state.edu/phytotech2015/
September 22-23, 2015, Kansas Energy Conference, Topeka, KS. The entire conference - registration, general sessions, breakout sessions, exhibits and meals - will be held in the Maner Conference Center at Capitol Plaza Hotel in Topeka on September 22 and 23. Commerce is accepting applications for sponsors and exhibitors through July 24, 2015. Please visit the website below to learn about sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, or contact Susan NeuPoth Cadoret at scadoret@kansascommerce.com or (785) 296-7198 with questions. KansasCommerce.com/EnergyConference
Saturday, July 18, 2015 Tenth Annual Dialog on Sustainability, "Educating Leaders for Sustainable Development" at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. The focus of the Dialog will be "Educating Leaders for Sustainable Development." We are interested in both formal education and public education. We will have a number of young scholars and future leaders as well as community leaders at this event. Free Registration (required), lunch provided. http://www.engg.ksu.edu/chsr/sustainability/dialogs/2015dos
May 13, 2015, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) Seminar Series, from 9:40-11:30 a.m. in the K-State Student Union Little TheaterStudents in the NRES Secondary Major capstone course will present the findings from their semester-long research projects. Three projects will be discussed, including “Kansas State University Sustainability”, “Adapting to Climate Change Variability: An Analysis of the Southern Great Plains”, “Water Quality Assessment: The Effects of Land Use and Land Cover in Urban and Agricultural Watersheds”, and “Water Quality Analysis of the Little Kitten Creek Watershed in Manhattan, Kansas”. Student work has been supervised this semester by faculty advisors Dr. Lisa Harrington (Geography), Dr. Shawn Hutchinson (Geography), and Dr. Anandhi Swamy (Agronomy). NRES faculty and students are especially encouraged to attend! More Information: Shawn Hutchinson, shutch@ksu.edu.
April 2015 EARTH DAY EVENTS (in or near Manhattan, KS)
* Saturday, April 11, Lawrence, Kansas: 15th Annual Earth Day Parade & Celebration, featuring the Water Festival. https://www.lawrenceks.org/swm/earthday - 11:00 a.m. Parade for the Earth is hosted by KU Environs, and will go from Buford Watson Park to South Park along Massachusetts Street. - 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Celebration in South Park and Water Festival for Douglas County, 11th & Massachusetts Street. Free Admission, featuring live music, food, vendors and children’s activities. - The Lawrence Transit System will offer free rides on the T all day. For schedules call (785) 864-4644 or visit www.lawrencetransit.org .
* Saturday, April 18, Sunset Zoo, Manhattan: Party for the Planet. Zoo opens 9:30am, Earth Day activities from Noon to 4:30pm. www.sunsetzoo.com .
* Wednesday, April 22: Powell Gardens, Kansas City: Explore Kansas City's botanical garden to gather sustainable gardening ideas, get tips on how to choose plants that help the planet's ecosystem and learn ways to cook fresh from the garden. 1609 North West U.S. Highway 50, Kingsville, MO (about 40 miles east of Lenexa), (816) 697-2600, http://www.powellgardens.org/earthday
* Thursday, April 23, Years of Living Dangerously: Against the Wind, 1:30PM, Fiedler Auditorium, K-State. The KSU Climate & Energy Project (CEP) is hosting a screening of the sixth segment of the "Years of Living Dangerously" film series, "Against the Wind". This segment features Kansas rancher, Pete Ferrell. Ferrell’s ranch in south-central Kansas is also home to one of the state’s first wind farms, the Elk River Wind Farm. The screening is presented at no charge. Flyer CEP website: http://climateandenergy.org/page.49.attend-film-screenings-at-ksu
* Saturday, April 25, Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Manhattan: Explore with ReStore 2015, 10:00 AM?-?4:00 PM, 2711 Amherst Ave. Join us for an Earth Day celebration! We will have DIY crafts, demonstrations, and more. Gregg Eyestone will present a workshop on Lawn Maintenance from 10-11am. More or http://mahfh.org/restore/
* Other earthday events: http://www.earthday.org
April 8-9, 2015, “2015 CSE Energy Symposium - North American Energy Perspective,” presented by the Kansas State University Center for Sustainable Energy, K-State Student Union Big 12 Room, Manhattan, KS.. The symposium focuses on the future of North American energy production and sustainable alternatives to current trends. Free registration for the symposium is now open for faculty, students, staff and the general public. FLYER More
March 28, 2015: Electronic Waste FREE Collection Event, K-State, Manhattan, KS, 9am-1pm. More
March 21, 2015: Book signing - Douglas Tallamy, author of "Bringing Nature Home," Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 7 p.m. More
Feb. 26, March 12, and April 9, 2015, Go Native: From Plain to Prairie Workshop Series: Steps to Restore, Manage, and Maintain Prairie on your Property. The Douglas County Conservation District (DCCD) and the Grassland Heritage Foundation (GHF) are happy to announce a three-part workshop series aimed at teaching rural landowners how to restore native habitat. 6:30 pm. Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont St., Lawrence, KS. The full speaker list and lecture topics are on the attached flyer. All workshops are free and open to the public. An RSVP is requested to Jenica Nelson at 785-843-4260, Ext. 3 or Jenica.nelson@ks.nacdnet.net. For more information, contact Jenica Nelson, DCCD Education and Outreach Coordinator, at the above addresses or Kim Bellemere, GHF Membership and Education Coordinator, at grasslandheritage@gmail.com. To learn more about DCCD and GHF check out our websites at www.douglasccd.com and www.grasslandheritage.org. FLYER.
January 29, 2014, Sustainability Concepts and Background, 11:30 a.m. KSU Little Theatre (NRES Seminar Series). More
January 26,2014, 2050: Agriculture’s Role in Mitigating Global Challenges, Robert Fraley, Monsanto, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, 2013 World Food Prize Recipient. Henry C. Gardiner Global Food Systems Lecture http://www.k-state.edu/globalfood/lecture-series/ (link is external), 7 pm, McCain Auditorium.
November 18-20, 2014, Clean Air Through Energy Efficiency (CATEE) Conference. A premiere educational conference and business exhibition connecting public and private decision makers and thought leaders to help communities improve decisions that determine the energy and water intensity of the built environment – and reduce related emissions. CATEE 2014 will be held in Dallas, Texas, at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel by the Galleria. http://catee.tamu.edu/home
November Monday, Nov. 17, 2014, The Sustainable Intensification of Agricultural Systems, Jules Pretty, Professor, Environment & Society, and Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Essex, U.K., at 4 p.m. , in 1018 Throckmorton Hall. The lecture is free and the public is welcome. The lecture focuses on sustainable intensification — producing more food with fewer resources and less stress on the environment. Pretty coined the term sustainable intensification, and is recognized as a leader in the field of sustainability in agriculture. More
November 12-13, 2014, Governor's Conference on the Future of Water in Kansas, Hilton Garden Inn & Conf. Center, Manhattan, Kansas. This third year for the conference will highlight the latest policy and research development of water issues in Kansas. The conference brings together scientists, water managers, state and federal officials and legislators, city and county administrators, environmental organizations, irrigators and citizens who share an interest in Kansas water resources. A large focus will be sharing the outcomes of the past year to address the Governor's 2013 Call to Action to develop a long-term vision for our state's future water supply. Registration is limited and sold out last year. More
November 5, 2014, 2014 Reel To Real Sustainability Film Festival Presents: 'Nebraska Nexus: Resources, Conservation, Development & Change.' 5:30 – 9pm, Aksarben Cinema, 2110 S 67th St., Aksarben Village, NE. More
October 5, A Fierce Green Fire: Battle for a Living Planet, 8pm, LSB. Free Movies on the Grass. www.k-state.edu/mog/
October 3, Critical Findings on Nuclear and Renewable Energies, Prof. Way Kuo. 2:30 p.m., Fiedler Hall Auditorium www.engg.ksu.edu/ergp/lectures/nae/bios/kuo.html
October 2, 2014, Environmental Policy and Politics in Kansas: Which One Needs More Help? - A Conversation with Joshua and Kimberly Svaty. 13th Annual Community Forum on Kansas Environmental Issues, co-hosted by KNRC. Time: 5:30 p.m. at the Village Presbyterian Church, 6641 Mission Road, Prairie Village, Kansas. Advance reservations are required to ensure adequate preparations for the event. Please register before September 26. http://www.knrc.ws/conference.htm
Sept. 26, 2014 (Free Webinar), Contaminant Uptake in Food Crops grown on Brownfield Sites, 11:00 a.m. Central, Presented by Dr. Ganga Hettiarachchi and Dr. Sabine Martin, Department of Agronomy at Kansas State University. Interest in local agriculture is increasing, especially in urban areas. Many of these gardens are or will be located on land that may be impacted by previous use. This webinar will highlight the latest Kansas State University research data on contaminant uptake by food crops grown on brownfields across the U.S. sites slated for community gardens. Three urban community garden sites located in Kansas City, Missouri; Tacoma, WA; , http://redevelopmentinstitute.org/sustainability-series/upcoming-webinars/
Sept. 25, 2014, Julene Bair, author of "The Ogallala Road," will speak at 1:30 p.m. in Hale Library's Hemisphere Room. Bair witnessed her western Kansas farm family go from practicing the art and science of dryland farming to irrigating unsustainably out of the Ogallala Aquifer. She will read from and talk about her book, in which she tells the story of her personal struggle to reconcile conflicted loyalties between her family and the health of her family's land. Sponsors bringing her presentation to campus include K-State Libraries, K-State English and chemical engineering departments, Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability, Kansas Natural Resource Council and Claflin Books. Claflin Books will be present with books for a signing event following Bair’s presentation. More.
September 19, 2014, The Lost innocence of Ethanol: Power, Knowledge, Discourse and U.S. Biofuel Policy, Ben Munro, doctoral candidate in geography, will give a public lecture at 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 19, in 132 Seaton Hall. More
Sept. 16-17, 2014, Kansas Energy Conference, Kansas Expocentre and Capitol Plaza Hotel, Topeka, Kansas. Registration is now open at KansasCommerce.com/EnergyConference (link is external). ANNOUNCEMENT
Topics will include:
– Strategies for State Leadership in New Energy Economy: What Does it Take to be a Leader in New Energy Economy? Bill Ritter Jr., Director, Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University
– Energy and Sustainability from a Policy Perspective. Panelists include: Representative Annie Kuether; Tyler York, Office of Senator Jerry Moran; Edward Cross, President, Kansas Independent Oil & Gas Association
– Green Business Perspective: Igniting Supplier Sustainability Efforts and Impacting the Bottom Line. Amy Hargroves, Director, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, Sprint
2014 Fall Natural Resources and Environmental Science Seminar Series.
All seminars at 11:30 a.m. in 231 Ackert Hall unless otherwise noted. More information: http://www.ksu.edu/nres/events/ or Shawn Hutchinson at shutch@ksu.edu or 532-3414
2014 Fall Movies on the Grass Series. FREE outdoor film series. Coffman Commons (front of Hale Library), or in case of rain, Leadership Studies Building - Town Hall room. Films begin at 8:00 p.m. (or at dusk). MORE
- Sept. 7Plagues & Progress
- Sept. 14 Electoral Dysfunction
- Sept. 21 Girl Rising
- Sept. 28 Wings of Life
- Oct. 5 A Fierce Green Fire.
- 10:30 a.m. Agricultural Utilization Research for A Sustainable Economy, Dr. Sean Liu, USDA ARS , Functional Goods Research Unit, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research. Durland Hall 1029, KSU-Manhattan. Flyer
- 2:30 p.m. Synthesis of High Performance Renewable Fuels: A Synergistic Intersection of Biology and Chemical Catalysis, Benjamin Harvey, Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Div., Chemistry Dept., Materials Chemistry Branch. Durland Hall 1029, KSU-Manhattan.
- 3:30 p.m. Wes Jackson, founder and president of The Land Institute in Salina, will present the inaugural Alpha Mu Distinguished Lecture on "A Conceptual Revolution for Grain Agriculture Now Seems Possible: How Will Midwest Land Grants Respond?" in Room 227 of the K-State Student Union, KSU-Manhattan. This lecture is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served at 3:10 p.m.
- 7:00 p.m. Beach Museum of Art, KSU-Manhattan: The Meadow Grassland Project, Katie Kingery-Page and Julene Blair. Bair is a memoirist from western Kansas who will read from her new book, The Ogallala Road. The presentation is free and open to the public. Flyer
April 22-26, 2014
Tuesday, April 22
Recycling demonstrations by Students For Environmental Action, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., Bosco Student Plaza
Learn more about the benefits of recycling and how K-State recycles with Students For Environmental Action.
K-State Biodiesel Initiative Grand Opening with President Kirk Schulz, 3:30 p.m., Recycling Center behind Weber Hall
Attend the celebration of K-State's first initiative to refine used vegetable oil from campus dining centers into biodiesel fuel. The K-State Biodiesel Initiative presents campus operations with options of becoming less reliant on fossil fuel and educates students how to apply energy systems that are renewable and sustainable.
Alpha Mu Grain Science Honorary Distinguished Lecture, 3:30 p.m., Room 227 in the K-State Student Union
Celebration of The Meadow and The Ogallala Road by Julene Bair book reading and signing, 7 p.m., Beach Museum of Art
Katie Kingery-Page, Kansas State University assistant professor of landscape architecture and lead designer of the Meadow, will speak about this recently installed landscape of native plants outside the Beach Museum of Art. Following the talk, Author Julene Blair will read from her book "The Ogallala Road: A Memoir of Love and Reckoning." Books will be available for purchase and signing.
Wednesday, April 23
Tree Campus USA Arbor Day Celebration, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., K-State campus
Thursday, April 24
Tree Campus USA Arbor Day Celebration, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., K-State campus
Sustainability Celebration with Provost April Mason, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Hoffman Loung in Justin Hall
Friday, April 25
EcoFest Lecture Series presented by Engineers Without Borders in Durland Hall’s Fiedler Auditorium
Timothy Crews, director of research at the Land Institute, presents Towards healing a world of wounds: Reflections on using models from native ecosystems to transform agriculture from 9:30 - 10:20 a.m.
Valerie Carroll, assistant professor in women's studies, presents What is Environmental Justice? from 10:30-11:20 a.m.
ECM at K-State catered luncheon with presenters from 11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Open to students by registration only. Register for the luncheon here (PDF).
Bonnie Lynn-Sherow, associate professor in history, presents Environmental History from 2:30-3:20 p.m.
Walter Dodds, university distinguished professor of biology, presents Humanity’s Footprint: Momentum, Impact, and our Global Environment from 3:30-4:20 p.m.
Tree Campus USA Arbor Day Celebration, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., K-State campus
EcoFest Browsing Fair, 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Bosco Student Plaza
Hosted by K-State Engineers Without Borders, the EcoFest Browsing Fair is designed to promote sustainability and provide resources to become more green.
Saturday, April 26
The Meadow Tour, 12 p.m., Outside of Beach Museum of Art
The Meadow is a learning landscape of native plants adjacent to the Beach Museum of Art. Become familiar with this demonstration of sustainable landscaping that serves as a natural resource for both teaching and research. The tour will allow visitors to examine, touch, and smell some of the plants depicted in regionally significant art displayed in the Museum’s galleries.
EcoFest Expo
Family- and student-friendly games and activities from 1-6 p.m. on Bosco Student Plaza and in the K-State Student Union Courtyard.
Green Roof Tours in Seaton Hall.
People’s Grocery presents American Meat: A Leave it Better Story documentary at 1:10, 2:50 and 4:30 p.m. at the K-State Student Union Little Theatre.
More than $220 in gift cards and gift baskets available for raffle at 2 p.m.
Click here for MORE K-State Earth Day weeklong events:
April 24, Seminar title: "Redox chemistry at the Fe mineral-water interface: New insights from isotope games," Professor Michelle Scherer, Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of Iowa, is an upcoming ADVANCE Lecture Series invited speaker, Thursday April 24, 10:30 am, Fiedler Auditorium. More..
Apr. 7, University Climate Survey Open Forum, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the K-State Student Union Little Theatre More...
April 1, 2014 Sustainable Supplies of Water and Energy, L.T. Fan lecture, Fiedler Hall More...
April 1, 2014 Kansas Water Visio Meeting, Rm 227, KSSU, More...
March 11, 2014, Eyestone Lecture: Combining business objectives, appropriate technology and social support programs to help feed a hungry world, David C. Everitt. 1:30 p.m. - Fiedler Hall Auditorium. More ...
February 20 - 27, 2014 P2RIC Webinar Events, Pollution prevention (P2) information for Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and other areas. Webinars and other events for the week. More...
February 11, 2014, Looking for Leadership in Our Leaders: What's Needed, John Hofmeister, founder and CEO of Citizens for Affordable Energy, former president of Shell Oil Co., and university alumnus, will speak about leadership in energy solutions at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11, in Town Hall of the Leadership Studies Building. More
February 5, 2014, Nationally recognized geoscientist Susan Brantley will present the 31st annual Roscoe Ellis Jr. Lectureship in Soil Science at 4 p.m. Feb. 5 in 1018 Throckmorton Hall. The title of the lecture is “Water Resource Impacts During Unconventional Shale Gas Development with Hydrofracking: The Pennsylvania Experience.” The lecture is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided before the lecture at 3:30 p.m. in the lobby of Throckmorton Hall. Brantley is a distinguished professor of geosciences in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at Pennsylvania State University. She also is director of the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute. She was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2012.
January 31, 2014, film screening, Bidder #70, presented by Kansas Interfaith Power & Light at Salina's Trinity UMC, 7:00 PM CST, Salina, Kansas. Discussion to follow. Suggested donation $5. Recognizing that environmental conditions are inextricably linked to the realization of essential human rights—including the rights to life and health—Human Rights Watch documents and exposes the human rights implications of environmental degradation. Bidder 70 tells the story of Tim DeChristopher and his stunning act of civil disobedience in a time of global climate chaos. On December 19, 2008, DeChristopher, as Bidder #70, derailed the Bush administration's last minute, widely disputed federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Oil and Gas lease auction, acting to safeguard thousands of acres of Utah land. Bidding $1.7 million, Tim won 22,000 acres of land with no intention to pay or drill. For his disruption of the auction, DeChristopher was indicted on two federal charges. Tim's civil disobedience has drawn national attention to America's energy policy and criticism to the BLM's management of public lands. Refusing to compromise his principles and rejecting numerous plea offers by the prosecution, Tim is willing to sacrifice his own future to bring this vitally important issue to global attention. Bidder 70 is Tim's story: his actions, his trial and his possible prison sentence. It is also the story of the scientists, activists, writers, and movements that influence and support his actions. Flyer
January 7 - 9, 2014, CHE 670 Sustainability Seminar: Sustainability and Sustainable Development,Room 1052, Rathbone Hall, Kansas State University. This seminar is intended for all individuals that have an interest in sustainability and sustainable development. Renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, water, sustainable communities, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon management, and sustainable development policies will be included. Both global and local sustainability topics and issues will be included. Agenda
December 16 - 18, 2013, CATEE 2013, 10th Clean Air Through Energy Efficiency (CATEE) Conference, San Antonio, Texas. http://catee.tamu.edu/home
Thursday, December 5, Using Ionic Liquids for Energy Applications, Dr. Joan F. Brennecke, Keating-Crawford Professor of Chemical Engineering at Notre Dame and 2012 National Academy of Engineering inductee. Seminar will will highlight her internationally known research in the development of solvents, specifically supercritical fluids and ionic liquids. Her interests in this area also include thermodynamics, environmentally benign chemical processing, and carbon dioxide separation, storage and usage.College of Engineering National Academy of Engineering Seminar at 3:30 pm in Fielder Hall Auditorium. Flyer More...
November 6-8, 2013, Border Energy Forum XX, The Texas General Land Office celebrates the twentieth anniversary of Border Energy Forum November 6 - 8, 2013 at the Embassy Suites San Antonio Riverwalk-Downtown. The Border Energy Forum is a collaborative effort among the 10 border states along the US / Mexico border to exchange information about the best ways to produce and consume energy in this fast-growing region.
October 31, 2013, Environmental Impacts on Community Trees, Fall 2013 Community Forestry Training, 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Bartlett Arboretum, Kansas 55 & Line St., Belle Pl., Parsons, KS. For information, contact Tim McDonnell, tmcdonne@ksu.edu
October 24-25, 2013, Governor's Conference on the Future of Water in Kansas, Hilton Garden Inn and Conference Center in Manhattan, Kansas. http://www.kwo.org/Ogallala/Governors_Conference/Governors_Conference.htm
October 6-9, 2013, AASHE 2013 Conference & Expo, taking place in Nashville, TN at the brand new Music City Center. (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) http://conference.aashe.org/2013/
October 6-7, 2013, Water Sustainability in a Changing World, Dr. Jerry Schnoor, Allen S. Henry Chair in Engineering, Professor of Civil & Environmental Health, and Co-Director of the Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research at the University of IOWA. The lecture will be on Monday, Oct. 7, 10:30 a.m. in Fiedler Auditorium (Fiedler 1107). Posters related to sustainability are invited for display in the Fiedler Atrium Oct. 6 & 7. For more information, please contact Dr. Larry Erickson, lerick@ksu.edu. Abstract
October 1 & 2, 2013, 2013 Kansas Energy Conference, Hilton Garden Inn & Manhattan Conference Center, Manhattan, Kansas. Save The Date Brochure -- KansasCommerce.com/EnergyConference
September 28, The Concert for the Climate, Kaw Riverfront Park, Kansas City, KS. Keynote Speaker will be Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. with Special Guest Bill McKibben!! You will learn how to save money, save energy, reduce your impact on our planet, AND learn how to be "part of the solution" to slow the effects of climate change. Great music - performers include: My Brothers & Sisters / She's a Keeper / Soular / Missouri Woodland/Third Party / Victor James Dougherty / Green Spirit Band. Free Event! 11 AM-6 PM. http://www.ConcertForTheClimate.org
Map: http://www.concertfortheclimate.org/Directions/Directions.html
September 24 & 25, 2013, 6th Annual Growing Sustainable Communities, to be held at the Grand River Center in Dubuque, Iowa. Flyer
September 18-20, 2013, ASEE Midwest 2013 Conference. 2013
Theme: "Opportunities and challenges in STEM education and research"
The ASEE Midwest Section 2013 Annual Conference will be hosted by Kansas State University Salina. ASEE's Midwest Section consists of educators and business leaders from Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. http://www.salina.k-state.edu/aseemidwest2013/index.html
September 11, 2013, Inaugural CHUCK AND SUE RICE International Agronomy Lecture: New Research Partnerships for Global Food Security, Dr. Ruben G. Echeverrîa. 4 p.m. in 1014 Throckmorton Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan. Brochure
September 5, 2013, Special Agronomy Seminar: Rangeland Management Strategies for Adapting to Climatic Variability: Enhancing the Positive and Mitigating the Negative Effects, Dr. Justin D. Derner, Research Leader, USDA, Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Rangeland Resources Research Unit, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
9:30 A.M., Room 2002, Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center. Flyer
September 4, 2013, Agronomy 810 Seminar: Drought Management Strategies for Rangelands: Flexibility for Complex Decisio Making, Dr. Justin D. Derner, Research Leader, USDA, Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Rangeland Resources Research Unit, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
4:00 P.M., Room 1014, Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center. Flyer
August 11-15, 2013, ICOSSE '13 - 3rd International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering. Kingsgate Marriott, Cincinnati, OH. ICOSSE ’13 will be organized on three key themes in sustainability—Water Sustainability and Innovative Technology, Sustainable Manufacturing, and Sustainable Energy.
August 13-14, 2013, American Grasslands Conference: The Future of Grasslands in a Changing Landscape, Manhattan, KS.
June 25-28, 2013, Air & Waste Management Association 106th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Chicago, Illinois. The Annual Conference is the environmental industries' premier education, networking, and solutions event.
June 15, 2013, Prairie Appreciation Day, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, Rachel Snyder Prairie, Mayetta, KS. Join us on Saturday, June 15th when GHF will host our annual Prairie Appreciation Day at Rachel Snyder Prairie. We’ll have fun family-friendly activities including walks, lunch, a prairie scavenger hunt, and even opportunities to help with restoration work. Everyone is encouraged to bring their cameras and sketchbooks. Please RSVP to Grassland Heritage Foundation:
June 7-8, 2013, Vyshegrad Round Table Discussion on Climate change (VRTDCC) was established in 2010 as a Joint initiative of Matej Bel University, Slovakia and Kremenchuk National University, Ukraine. It has a goal to discuss the mainstream issues of climate relared topics by international scientific community. Event intends to be a tribune for presenting new ideas, research data and outreach in terms of mitigation and adaptation measures related to Climate Change. Prof. Valentina Pidlisnyuk, Dr.Sc. Faculty of the Natural Resources, Kremenchuk National University, Ukraine /Matej Bel University Slovakia.
Friday, May 31, at 8:30 a.m., Dr. John Harrington will speak on "Climate Change" as part of the Sustainability Seminar summer program. All who are interested are encouraged to attend. Rathbone 1052
May 15-17, 2013, Brownfields 2013, Atlanta, Georgia. The National Brownfields Conference is the largest event in the nation that focuses on environmental revitalization and economic redevelopment. Over 100 educational sessions including lively panel and plenary sessions, dynamic discussion-based roundtables and town hall meetings, and inspirational film screenings; Outstanding networking and business development opportunities including the Economic Redevelopment Forum and Exhibit Hall; Mobile workshops, walking tours, and volunteer activities to see redevelopment at ground level.
April 11, 2013, 2013 K-State Bioenergy Symposium: Update on K-State Research and Educational Programs Relating to Sustainable Bioenergy Resource Development and Utilization in the Central Great Plains. 12:30pm in the Fiedler Auditorium, Fiedler Hall, Manhattan, Kansas. There will be presentations from Kansas State University faculty and research staff. Poster presentations will be open to K-State students and researchers, with prizes awarded for the top posters made possible by ConocoPhillips and Phillips 66. A special sub-set of the poster session will highlight the work of K-State NSF IGERT trainees.This symposium is free and open to the public.
February 7-9, 2013, 12th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, at the Kansas City Convention Center, Kansas City, MO. The multi-disciplinary program includes over 90 workshops, breakouts, plenaries and trainings, and will feature cutting-edge policies and programs, projects, best practices, as well as strategies and implementation tools that address the challenges of implementing smart growth development principles. The conference will also feature a half-day pre-conference workshop on equitable development titled "Sustainable Neighborhoods, Thriving Residents: Strategies for Building Equitable Communities".
February 4, 2013, National Climate Assessment Great Plains Regional Town Hall, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in Lincoln, NE. This day-long town hall meeting will bring together approximately 100 climate change experts and users of climate change information, including participants from academia; local, state, tribal, and federal governments; non-profit organizations; and business and industry.
Jan. 27-Feb.12, 2013, Natural Resources/Environmental Science Capstone course lectures: Valentina Pidlisnyuk, a visiting professor from Ukraine presented 3 lectures related to sustainable development as part of the course: Overview of Sustainable Development: Background and Main Terms; Sustainable Development Indicators; Water Management: Lessons Learned from the Aral Sea
January 19, 2013, Kaw Valley Eagles Day 2013, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Free State High School, 4700 Overland Drive, Lawrence, Kansas. Free Event! Nature and environmental exhibits provided by a variety of organizations (including Grassland Heritage Foundation) working with environmental issues with activities for kids of all ages. Presentations in the auditorium will include “Nesting Bald Eagles in Kansas," "Eagles and Other Kansas Raptors," and "Black Foot-ed Ferrets in Kansas." Ranger-Led Eagle Viewing Field Trips at 10:45 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Jan. 17, 2013, IGW 2013 - International Green Week. Location: Messegelände, Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany. Established in 1926, the IGW is a one-of-a-kind international exhibition for the food, agricultural and horticultural industries. At the same time, the IGW is the point of origin for the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) with more than 60 departmental ministers.
January 16, 2013, Dialog on Research Needs (for potential industry partners), 10:00am - 3:00pm, at Kansas State University, with an emphasis on topics related to the electrification of transportation with wind and solar energy and the convergence of electric vehicles and electricity from renewable sources. Peak power, power distribution and transmission, smart grid, energy storage, infrastructure needs, solar powered charging stations, environmental issues, decision support tools, customer choices, and convenience are examples of topics that will be included. All are invited and there is no cost, but registration is required as seating is limited.
January 10-12, 2013, Great Plains Growers Conference, at the Fulkerson Center, Missouri Western State University, St. Joseph, Missouri. This event attracts vegetable, fruit, cut flower and other growers and includes an educational program consisting of 5-concurrent sessions featuring conventional and organic production and marketing of horticultural crops.
July 30, 2012, NIH Grant Training Seminar: 'How to Obtain Peer-Reviewed NIH Research 'Grants. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at the University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas. The focus is to assist all who wish to submit winning research proposals to the NIH.
June 12-14, 2012, Horticulture Program Focus Training - Climate Change. Training to address this complex topic, in a horticultural light. Sedgwick County Extension Office, 7001 West 21st Street North Wichita, KS 67205, (316) 660-0100.
June 5-6, 2012, 3rd National Rural Grocery Summit, Hilton Garden Inn Hotel & Manhattan Conference Center, Manhattan, Kansas. Participants will spend two days talking with one another about the "triple bottom line" of rural grocery benefits – economic development, improving health, and community sustainability. Early registration discount ends May 22, 2012.
May 1-2, 2012, Corporate Sustainable Energy - pros and cons, analysis and evaluation, sponsored by K-State Center for Sustainable Energy. 8:00 am on May 1, 2012 in the Fielder Auditorium, Fiedler Hall, Manhattan, Kansas. The focus of this symposium is to hear and learn from private industry, public agencies, and others actively involved in food and/or bioenergy production how they approach sustainability. This symposium is free and open to the public but registration is needed for adequate seating.
May 2-3, 2012, Growing Sustainable Communities Western Region Conference 2012, Sonoma County California, at the DoubleTree Hotel, Rohnert Park, Calif. Hosted by Applied Solutions and the Sonoma County Water Agency, the conference is presented by Sustainable City Network and Climate Communities, and will educate leaders and staff on the latest sustainability ideas, plans and best practices in four distinct programming tracks: Water, Energy, Transportation, Resource Management
April 29, 2012, Science in Kansas: The NSF Climate and Renewable Energy Effort, Dr. John Harrington, Jr. from the Department of Geography at K-State University. Dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. & the lecture will begin at 7:00 p.m., Q&A session at 7:30 p.m.
Flint Hills Discovery Center, 315 S. 3rd St., Manhattan, KS. Tickets can be purchased at the Flint Hills Discovery Center’s customer service desk, located on the 1st floor or by calling the Flint Hills Discovery Center .
Earth Day 2012
April 21, 2012, Prairie Village Earth Fair, Shawnee Mission, KS. 10:00am - 4:00p at 75th and Mission Road. Featuring vendors, demonstrations, new technology and home improvement designed to lead us to a greener world. Local entertainment and food trucks will be on hand to round out the day's events.
April 21, 2012, EarthWalk 2012, Kansas City MO from 11:00am - 3:00pm. Celebrate Earth Day weekend and help build a greener KC! Choose from a 2.5- or 3.5-mile route along Brush Creek and the Plaza to support Bridging The Gap and environmental education and action programs in Kansas City. StoneLion’s Puppet Carnivale with drummers, dancers and, of course, puppets! Free!
Friday, April 20, 2012, SEA KSU Campus Earth Days Festival, Bosco Plaza, K-State Student Union, from 10am to 2pm. There will be activities and booths.
April 19, 2012, Boeing Wichita presents: Earth Day Kansas, Sedgwick County Zoo, Wichita KS, 9:00am – 2:00pm. This free environmental fair gives everyone the opportunity to learn how to protect and care for the world we live in. With hands-on activities and interactive exhibits, there are many learning opportunities. Activities are geared for 3rd through 5th grades. Admission to the Zoo is free for this event.
April 14, 2012, 12th Annual Earth Day Parade & Celebration, Lawrence, KS. The day starts with a parade, hosted by KU Environs, at 11 a.m. Other events Will be held in South Park beginning at 11:30am - 4:00pm, hosted by the Waste Reduction and Recycling Division.
March 11-14, 2012, Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, PA U.S.A.
February 16, 2012, Webinar: Fuel Your Fleet with Biogas. Sustainable City Network. Converting biogas to fuel.
Learn how municipalities around the world are converting biogas from wastewater treatment plants and landfills into fuel for their light-duty AND heavy-duty fleets. The gas can also be used to generate electricity or for heating/cooling on-site or delivered by pipeline. This one-hour webinar will feature experts from Unison Solutions, Inc., an industry leader in biogas conditioning.
February 15, Kansas Dam Safety Conference,
8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. at the Kansas Museum of History, 6425 SW 6th Ave., Topeka, Kan. 66615-1099. Learn more about the security and safety of dams and other water structures in Kansas, regulations, technical topics, and issues affecting water structures in the state. An early registration fee of $60 per person is due by Feb. 1. Registration, which includes lunch along with morning and afternoon refreshments, can be made using the 2012 schedule and registration form. After Feb. 1, the fee will be $70.
February 15, Free Webinar: Land Use Planning: Routine Inclusion of Bicycling and Walking in New Developments. 2:00-3:00 (CST) Attend this APBP (Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals) webinar to learn how land use policy and regulations are the basis for pedestrian and bicycle friendly communities, and what to look for in plan review. Through overview and examples of policy and regulations, and the experience of one small Wisconsin city (Fitchburg, pop. 20,000), you'll find out how innovative zoning codes and policies can help promote active transportation.
Thursday, January 19, 2012, FREE WEBINAR, Mapping Your Way Toward Sustainable Solutions, 1:00 pm CST. Sustainable City Network will host a webinar on Michael Mucha's Sustainable Action Map methodology. (Please note time zone.) Learn how to formulate sustainable solutions with teams or community groups using a simple and engaging tool called the Sustainable Action Map.
January 18, 2012, Beyond Compliance, Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) Midwest Section's Annual Conference, Overland Park Convention Center, Overland Park, Kansas.
January 9-11, 2012, Global Aspects of Biobased Products and Bioenergy, Special Seminar, Rathbone Hall Room 1052 on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan, Kansas. This seminar will provide a forum for those involved in biobased products and bioenergy to present ideas and interact with others. Biobased products include cotton, wood, wool, paper, and newer products that are produced from agriculture, such as ink from soybeans. Bioenergy is energy from plants and biomass including ethanol, biodiesel, and methane from anaerobic digestion. The seminar will consider the next 100 years and sustainability issues associated with food, biobased products, and bioenergy. Posters and exhibits are invited. Optional academic credit is available to serve the needs of the students in the Biobased Products and Bioenergy Certificate program and other students, both on campus and online. Optional continuing education hours are also available.
November 12 - 13, The annual Green Festival – Sustainable Economy, Ecological Balance and Social Justice. Green Festivals are a celebration of what's working in our communities – for people, business, investors, and the environment. Here, green means safe, healthy communities and a strong economy. Meet authors, leaders and educators; great how-to workshops; cutting-edge films; family programming; and cultural events. Concourse & Design Center, San Francisco, CA
November 8-10, 18th International Petroleum and Biofuels Conference, Houston, TX.
October 25 - 26, Green Economy Conference 2011 – Creating a Green Economy: Pioneering Next Generation Green Companies, Green Projects and Green Jobs, San Francisco, CA.
October 29 - 30, The Green Festival – Sustainable Economy, Ecological Balance and Social Justice. Green Festivals are a celebration of what's working in our communities – for people, business, investors, and the environment. Here, green means safe, healthy communities and a strong economy. Join us at the nation's premier sustainability event, where you will see the best in green. Meet authors, leaders and educators; great how-to workshops; cutting-edge films; family programming; and cultural events. Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA.
October 26, A Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Blueprint for Communities across Kansas. Resourceful Kansas, funded through the U.S. Department of Energy, is now accepting applications from eligible organizations to attend an energy efficiency seminar at the Riley County Public Works facility in Manhattan, Kansas. The seminar is open to all eligible organizations, regardless of location. There are no registration fees and lunch is provided, but seating is limited so apply online at www.resourcefulkansas.org/ to reserve your seat today!
October 15, 2011, Fall Forestry Festival, Kansas Forest Service, 8:00am - 3:00pm, Rutter Tree Farm, Harveyvill, KS.
October 21st & 22nd, Haskell Indigenous Food Festival, Haskell Indian Nation University, Lawrence KS. A two-day festival featuring speakers, activities and a feast of indigenous foods. Casey Camp-Horineck will speak at 7 p.m. Friday, Haskell Auditorium. Saturday starting at 1 p.m. at Stidham Union will be activities for adults and children, speakers and a guided wetlands walk, and a community feast at 6 p.m. Saturday featuring indigenous and indigenous-inspired foods. All events are free and open to the public.
October 14, 2011, The Wild and Scenic Film Festival, Friends of the Kaw. Selected feature films are Scattered Flurries, Coast is Clear, The Fisherman, The Majestic the Plastic Bag, Witness and 180 Degrees South. 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30pm), Liberty Hall, 644 Massachusetts, Lawrence KS. Tickets: suggested donation $10 in advance, $12 (at the door, cash only).
October 4-5, 2011, Kansas Energy Conference, Kansas Department of Commerce. Planned sessions include: WIND, SOLAR, ENERGY EFFICIENCY, BIOFUELS. Who should attend: Developers, utility representatives, other industry leaders, interested public-at-large, state agencies, cities, counties, public colleges & universities, community colleges, technical schools and unified school districts.
2011: Upcoming Climate and Energy Webcasts for State and Local Governments This message provides details about 11 upcoming webcasts being offered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Energy (DOE) and others. All webcasts are offered free of charge, but space may be limited.
Month of April, 2011 Earth Day Events, KSU and Manhattan KS:
April 20, Earth Day Lecture: Higher Education Leadership in Creating a Healthy, Just and Sustainable Society (Free Public Event), University of
April 22, Earth Day Event, Bosco Plaza, K-State Student Union, 10:30 am-1:30 pm, booths and exhibits.
April 22, Flash Mob, Flash Photo - Sponsored by SEA - Students for Environmental Action
April 30, Earth Day/ Gaia Walk & Rock: Walk it. Bike it. Rock it. Locally. Sunset Zoo, Manhattan, KS
Month of April, 2011 Other Area Earth Day Events:
April 9, Get Your Green On! Earth Day Celebration/Electronics Recycling, The City Market, Kansas City, MO.
April 16, Party for the Planet, Kansas City Zoo, Kansas City, MO.
April 16, Lawrence Earth Day Celebration, South Park, Lawrence, KS.
April 21, Boeing Wichita Presents: Earth Day Kansas, Sedgewick County Zoo, Wichita, KS. Free environmental fair.Sedgwick County Zoo, Wichita, KS
April 23, Earth Day: Party for the Planet, Rolling Hills Wildlife Adventure, Salina, KS
February 17-18, 2011, The Rocky Mountain Sustainability Summit,
University of Denver, Discroll Student Center, Denver, CO 80208.
January 31 - February 2, 2011, 14th Annual EUEC
(Energy, Utility & Environment) Conference, Phoenix Convention Center
January 19-20, Ohio Brownfield Conference 2011, Embassy Suites, Dublin, OH.
January 10-12, Brownfields and Urban Gardening Seminar, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.