The CHSR EPA TOSC and TOSNAC programs ended on August 31, 2006 and CHSR Program Activities ended in 2007. KSU may continue to provide technical assistance at Superfund and Native American sites through other programs. Some information about these programs may be found on the webpages below.
Kansas State University continues to provide Technical Outreach to Brownfields (TAB) services in EPA Regions 5, 6, 7 and 8 with support from an EPA grant. For more information about KSU's TAB Program, go to https://www.ksutab.org/
Technical Outreach Services for Communities (TOSC)
The TOSC program was established to provide public education to community leaders and other citizens with respect to the remediation of contaminated properties.
Technical Outreach Services for Native American Communities (TOSNAC) The TOSNAC program was established to provide TOSC services to Native American communities.
International Projects. The CHSR also participated in and managed international projects in the Altai Republic, Russia; Kyiv, Ukraine; and several short-term International Field Study Experiences.
The Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center (GP/RM HSRC)
From 1989-2003, Kansas State University (KSU) led a fourteen-institution consortium for the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC). The other member institutions were Lincoln, Haskell Indian Nations, Colorado State, Montana State, South Dakota State, and Utah State Universities, along with the universities of Iowa, Northern Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and Wyoming. The center was established in 1989 to conduct research pertaining to hazardous substances produced through agriculture, forestry, mining, mineral processing, and other activities. It served Federal Regions 7 and 8. Specific research projects focused on soil and water contaminated by heavy metals from mining wastes and other industrial activities, soil and groundwater contaminated by organic chemicals, wood preservatives that contaminated groundwater, pesticides identified as hazardous substances, improved technologies and methods for characterizing and analyzing contaminated soil, and waste-minimization and pollution-prevention methods and technologies.
The Expeditionary Capabilities Consortium (ECC)
The ECC, formerly called the Urban Operations Laboratory (UOL), operated at Kansas State University (KSU) in partnership with M2 Technologies, Inc. (M2) to develop new, environmentally acceptable technologies to give U.S. military forces the advantage. The ECC focused on non-lethal capabilities to minimize collateral damage to non-combatants and the environment, and addressed urgent needs of U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan. The United States Marine Corps Program Executive Officer, Land Systems (PEO, Land Systems) served as the primary sponsor for the ECC.