What is CESAS?
The Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS) is a network of partner organizations choosing to work collaboratively to advance sustainability and sustainable development. This Consortium brings together cooperative groups focused on sustainability that integrate and connect multidisciplinary research and education efforts in the areas of science, engineering, economics, and social science. Since sustainable development requires appropriate consideration of both present and future needs, the foundation is the concept of a “Triple Bottom Line” where economic, social, and environmental values are all vital to decision making.
While integrating the social and economic research is crucial, sustainability begins with science. The primary target areas for sustainability science research include:
Renewable Energy (e.g. solar, wind, biofuels);
Water (e.g. quality, resources, usage);
Materials, Products, Process Design (e.g. green chemistry, architecture, design);
Land Management (e.g. erosion, urban sprawl, protection);
Agriculture (e.g. crops, animal production, environmental management); and
Development of Policy (e.g. water, wind energy, triple bottom line metrics).
CESAS provides a structure for participating partner organizations to work cooperatively and individually to advance environmental stewardship and sustainability. The goal of efficient sustainable life styles can be achieved through cooperative programs that include research, education, and public service.
CESAS Objectives
Encourage scientific, social, and policy research in sustainability.
Educate students and the public in environmental stewardship and sustainability.
Provide a forum and administrative structure for dialog and multidisciplinary efforts to work cooperatively to advance sustainability efforts.
Promote communication, outreach, and service between the academic community and other stakeholders (business, government, social groups, and citizens) to enable efficient progress towards the development of a sustainable society.
Introduce new curricula in environmental and sustainability issues. Develop and offer new courses and seminars.
Develop frameworks for assessing triple bottom line implications in sustainable development.
Partners include units of academic institutions, industry, units of government, and other organizations. A complete list of current partners is available.
Member Benefits
Access to an international and interdisciplinary network of organizations and individuals with an interest in sustainability;
Opportunities to direct and propose projects;
Participation in future events;
Opportunities to work with partners on common goals;
Access to sustainability information and resources; and
Partner organizations are connected through a consortium website
How to Become a Consortium Partner
Nominate a representative from your organization and provide contact information and Internet URL to the consortium
Propose initiatives and invite consortium members to participate
Donate to the CESAS general activities fund (consortium dues are voluntary); make payments to the KSU Foundation designated for account I24260, Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability; see CESAS mailing address below.
Upcoming Activities
Please click here for a listing of upcoming events.
For More Information
Larry Erickson
E-mail: lerick@ksu.edu
Blase Leven
E-mail: baleven@ksu.edu
Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS)
Kansas State University
2010 Durland Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Voice: 785.532.6519