2011 Sixth Annual Dialog on Sustainability
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Kansas State University
Free Registration!
Agenda (PDF)
Building Sustainable Communities - Break Out Session Questions (PDF)
Maps - Parking - Hotels (PDF)
Fiedler Hall Floorplans (PDF)
Sponsors (PDF)
Invitation, Poster Submission, Registration (PDF)
Exhibitor Information and Sponsorship Information (PDF)
Community Flyer (PDF)
The Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS) and its partners hosted the Sixth Annual Dialog on Sustainability: Building Sustainable Communities, Thursday, July 14, 2011 in Durland/Rathbone/Fiedler Hall at Kansas State University. The consortium is headquartered at K-State, where administrative leadership is provided by the Center for Hazardous Substance Research in the College of Engineering. All who were interested were invited to attend and actively participate in the dialog.
A day of focused dialog on building sustainable communities in rural Kansas with sessions held throughout the day on the PRIDE Community Voluntary Improvement Program, exploring relationships between climate and rural sustainability and using communities assets effectively. Activities included discussions, small group dialogs, posters, exhibits and more. During the afternoon breakout session, resource specialists on a variety of issues were available to answer questions and help develop ideas to implement change in communities.
Co-sponsorship assisted with travel and event expenses; contributors received a certificate of sponsorship and wererecognized in the program for contributions as follows: Gold: $500 and greater; Silver: $250 and up to $500; Bronze: $100 and up to $250.
Presentations (PDF)
PRIDE Community Voluntary Improvement Program, Sherry Davis, PRIDE Program Coordinator
Presentation (PDF)
Exploring Relationships between Climate and Rural Sustainability – Ben Champion, Sustainability Director
Presentation (PDF) Climate and Yields handout (PDF)
Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation - Ben Champion, Sustainability Director
Presentation (PDF)
Storm Water/Water Gardens - Lee Skabelund, Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning (LA/RCP)
Presentation (PDF)