2020 Fifteenth Annual Dialog on Sustainability:
"Rural Sustainability"
9:00 - 11:00 a.m. CST, Saturday, July 18, 2020
This was a virtual webinar via ZOOM
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Email your name, affiliation, phone to:
We invite individuals, communities, and organizations to participate by joining the dialog using Zoom. There is no registration fee, but please pre-register so that we will have an electronic connecting line for you, and can inform you on how to connect. Upon receiving your registration, we will send you the Zoom connection link and information for the webinar.
The Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS) at Kansas State University and its partners will host the Fifteenth Annual Dialog on Sustainability: "Rural Sustainability," Saturday, July 18, 2020.
This year's dialog will focus on rural sustainability. Topics will include infrastructure for quality of life, such as having good grocery stores, schools, health care, and other goods and services. Wind and solar energy are being used to generate electricity in rural Kansas. Rural Resilience is a new initiative that will be included. Sustainable agriculture issues such as local food production will be part of the dialog. The anticipated audience will include students, faculty, farmers, leaders, members of communities and environmental organizations.
Thank You to Our Sponsors:
In-Kind Sponsors:
Center for Engagement and Community Development (CECD)
Climate & Energy Project (CEP))
Tim Taylor Department of Chemical Engineering (CoE)
Center for Hazardous Substance Research (CHSR)
Carl R. Ice College of Engineering (CoE)
Flint Hills Renewable Energy & Efficiency Cooperative, Inc. (FHREEC)
Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy (ICDD)
Kansas Natural Resource Council
Kansas Rural Center (KRC)
Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC)
Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (MNE)
Students for Environmental Action (SEA)
Co-sponsorship is encouraged to assist with program planning and development, program delivery, and publicity:
Gold: $500 and greater; Silver: $250 and up to $500;
Bronze: $100 and up to $250
For more information on this important event, please contact:
Larry E. Erickson, lerick@ksu.edu, (785) 532-4313
Sheree Walsh, chsr@ksu.edu, (785) 200-7005