2021 Sixteenth Annual Dialog on Sustainability:
"Carbon Sequestration"
8:30 - 11:30 a.m. CST, Saturday, July 10, 2021
This was a virtual webinar via ZOOM
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Email your name, affiliation, phone to:
We invite individuals, communities, and organizations to participate by joining the dialog using Zoom. There is no registration fee, but please pre-register so that we will have an electronic connecting line for you, and can inform you on how to connect. Upon receiving your registration, we will send you the Zoom connection link and information for the webinar.
Presentations (coming soon!)
Q & A Webinar Chat (coming soon!)
The Consortium for Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability (CESAS) at Kansas State University and its partners will host the Sixteenth Annual Dialog on Sustainability on “Carbon Sequestration” on Saturday morning, July 10, 2021, using Zoom.
This year's dialog will focus on carbon sequestration in soil and vegetation. Many soils can be improved by increasing organic carbon in the soil to improve soil health and water holding capacity. Finding ways to sequester carbon in soils, trees, and other vegetation is important to reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There are contaminated sites where establishing vegetation may be very beneficial. Many Brownfields can be transformed to productive properties. New forests can be established, and carbon sequestration in Kansas can be increased substantially. There are many locations where planting trees will improve the ecosystem. The anticipated audience will include students, faculty, foresters, farmers, leaders, members of communities and environmental organizations.
Thank You to Our Sponsors:
In-Kind Sponsors:
Center for Engagement and Community Development (CECD)
Center for Hazardous Substance Research (CHSR)
Climate & Energy Project (CEP)
KSU Tim Taylor Department of Chemical Engineering (CoE)
KSU Department of Agronomy
KSU Information Technology Services
KSU Carl R. Ice College of Engineering (CoE)
Flint Hills Renewable Energy & Efficiency Cooperative, Inc. (FHREEC)
Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy (ICDD)
Kansas Forest Service
Kansas Natural Resource Council (KNRC)
Kansas Rural Center (KRC)
Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC)
Students for Environmental Action (SEA)
Co-sponsorship is encouraged to assist with program planning and development, program delivery, and publicity:
Gold: $500 and greater; Silver: $250 and up to $500;
Bronze: $100 and up to $250
For more information on this important event, please contact:
Larry E. Erickson, lerick@ksu.edu, (785) 532-4313
Sheree Walsh, chsr@ksu.edu, (785) 200-7005